Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ (tax deductible fundraising event + bonus offering)

This offering holds a prayer to raise $30,000+ for the Yawanawá Lineage Preservation Project, including initiatives for cacao cultivation, food sovereignty and much more.

We invite you into a meaningful opportunity to get directly involved with a project from start-to-finish, one that will have multigenerational impact on the Amazon rainforest, the indigenous tribes, and the consciousness of humanity as a whole.

Click here to read the full scope of this initiative, including the origin story, what the funds are specifically going towards, and details about the new sister trust KAKAO has formed for increased transparency & community involvement.



When we raise the entire $30,000, you will receive a potent offering that the Founder of KAKAO has created: the Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™

Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ is Luana (aka Makenzie)'s first educational offering in a very long time. Much prayer and thought has gone into bringing this to life. She will be pouring her heart and soul into these classes and into you all, as the messages & visions are coming from a vast well of passion. Luana is wholeheartedly devoted to our interconnected mission in this lifetime, and in that, believes that the codes in the Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ are an important part of realizing that mission.

With all of this said, Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ will ONLY be made available when we reach the $30,000 donation mark.  More info on the full scope of the initiative can be found here.

Make a tax deductible donation & read the FAQs here.

Are you ready to bring more beauty into the world through your art, music, writing, healing modality or other creative expression?

Here is a precious reminder….

Your soul chose to come to this planet in a very important time.

Believe it or not, you, inside of the human vehicle, are a bridge between Heaven & Earth.

Furthermore, you were given very specific gifts at the time of your conception so that you could express them without restraint as the bridge of light that you are.

As a bridge between Heaven and Earth, you were tasked with an important mission. A mission that all of us reading this share collectively.

So this isn't just a lofty idea. It's a soul contract.

The offerings (i.e. your gifts) that you share with humanity from a place of true passion and love are sacred and instrumental for completing this mission as a light-worker and way-shower in this lifetime. This is no small feat: it is for the evolution in consciousness of our species, our planet, and beyond.

Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ is a foundational platform for you to fully realize a life on Earth anchored in a higher dimension, one that is beyond your wildest dreams, while simultaneously raising the consciousness of all beings everywhere.

It is time to stop allowing your precious life force energy to be harvested by systems of the lower dimensional matrix. It is time to live and express in ways that are regenerative, reciprocal and honorable for your Soul.

Our "Minister of Magic," LUANA STARLIGHT, will share stories and wisdom that will activate, inspire and re-orient you onto a path that is truly meaningful to the highest chambers of your heart.

As a student of the Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™, you will also receive Luana's guidance on how to structure and set up your ministry in a way that is protected from the dark and fraudulent systems of taxation and domination/control, and therefore can be rooted in the highest frequencies possible to be well "hydrated" with resources and prosperity.

The Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ has a Holy Grail, meaning an ultimate result that each student has the potential of reaching:

The Holy Grail of the Rainbow Bridge UNIversityis a Graduate that experiences Life on Earth as ecstatic, miraculous, colorful, regenerative, life-giving, prosperous, generous, purposeful and meaningful. The graduate has completely de-constellated their mind and body from disempowering matrix programming. They are now leading from purified and open hearts in their actions, words and way of being. The graduate has purged victim consciousness and lower vibrations that had previously kept them stuck in loops of lack, fear and illusion. The graduate now sees through a crystalline third eye and is committed to actualizing their original 12 stranded DNA blueprint. The graduate walks around in consciousness, anchoring true Christ Consciousness (The Law of One) in each breath. The graduate inherently trusts Life, every moment of it, and consistently lets go of the need to control from the mind. The graduate has faith in each moment, and faith in their deeper intuitive wisdom, knowing every part of the journey is sacred and important. The graduate has fully actualized their dharmic gifts and is making those offerings available to the world consistently, in integrity with the truth within their Heart. The graduate knows their worth as a child of the Creator, as a Light that comes from the Stars, and as a Soul that is One with everything. The graduate is fully resourced, supported and connected to a daily life of miracles, synchronicities and richness beyond what their mind could comprehend.

Curriculum Materials and Delivery Method

The Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ curriculum includes an extensive, artfully crafted ebook with all of the topics laid out intentionally. Furthermore, there will be a two-hour video recording that includes a PDF presentation with outlined notes. This video recording will be optional to attend live, but it is not necessary.
To Enroll: Donate $180 USD minimum. This materials will be released when we reach the full $30,000 goal. 

Launch goal: The possible curriculum release date of April 14th has been chosen based on specific astrological movements that support the full activation of your dharmic path. Let’s work together as a community and be in the prayer of reaching the goal by then! Regardless of when we reach the $30K minimum, your donations will still go towards moving the projects along :) 

All enrollments into the Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ will go directly to a tax-deductible donation fund called Rainbow Bridge Ministries 508(c)(1)(A). All funds are strictly and directly donated to projects and people connected to the preservation of indigenous land, our Amazon rainforest, and indigenous lineages that are essential for the actualizing of our mission in this lifetime. The Founder of KAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate, Luana/Makenzie, along with her allies and collaborators, will be personally managing and documenting each project.** More info on the full scope of the initiative can be found here.

Make a tax deductible donation & read the FAQs here.


Please share this offering and/or opportunity to donate with as many of your loved ones as possible. Allow them to be a part of this collaborative effort! Their enrollment and/or donation is tax deductible. Every dollar makes a significant contribution to a meaningful project that will have a multigenerational impact.


Potential Curriculum Availability Dates

The anticipated launch date (assuming we meet the $30K fundraising minimum) is April 14th, meaning the eBook would be emailed out that morning. In this scenario, the video recording would take place on April 20th, where you could ask any questions live. If you cannot make the call live, you may submit questions prior and catch the answers in the recording.

To clarify, you are welcome to join the live recording but it is not necessary. If your schedule/availability doesn't allow you to be there live, this should not deter you in any way from enrolling as a student.

About LUANA STARLIGHT, your "Minister of Magic"

LUANA (previously known as Makenzie Marzluff) is the Founder of KAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate, a 501c3 non profit dedicated to preserving heirloom cacao and its ceremonial origins. Luana works as a rainbow bridge between various tribes, cultures and lineages all over the world, in service to the healing and ascension of all beings everywhere. Pulling from her 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur, Luana will be passing along important stories and principles in the Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™. You may have read Makenzie's book "How To Lead A Badass Business From Your Heart" .... Rainbow Bridge UNIversity™ is intended to be a full overhaul and refresh of that content, plus SO much more!


Mahalo in advance for your contribution!