KAKAO Pure vs KAKAO Signature Blend

All KAKAO products are strictly ceremonial grade.

What is the difference between KAKAO Pure and KAKAO Signature Blend?

KAKAO Pure is just like it sounds: it is whole cacao beans, simply ground using a stone grinder. With the Pure, you can make into your own blend at home with your own ingredients. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a recipe.

KAKAO's #1 most popular item is the Signature Blend, which was formulated in Makenzie's home in 2016 when all KAKAO production used to be in house (literally!). The Signature Blend makes your life easy - all you have to do is add 4 tbsp to 8oz hot water and blend well, ideally with a blender that is safe for hot liquids. KAKAO Signature Blend has four ingredients. Scroll through the rest of this page to read more.

A note on melted KAKAO/if your KAKAO shows up in a block.

How to prepare KAKAO Signature Blend:

Looking for PURE KAKAO with no other ingredients? We've got you!