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3 Day Immersion with the Spirit of Cacao

3 Day Immersion with the Spirit of Cacao

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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This immersion is an opportunity for anyone who is ready to deepen their relationship with the spirit/essence of cacao.

It is recommended that you complete the 2-hour Cacao Workshop as a prerequisite to this 3-day immersion.


Partnering with the spirit of cacao as an ally for receiving your vision, mission and abundance. 🌹

This is a deep dive into the Spirit of Cacao.

You have the option to utilize the power of Nana Marina’s cacao to support you, however any KAKAO product will suit.

Upon purchasing, you will receive an email with the link to a drive folder. This folder will have a beautiful PDF presentation in it, which you can read and reference. The links to 3 days of recordings are in the PDF, along with a spotify playlist and other resources.

Topics Include (but not limited to):

  • Nana Marina & Mayan Cosmovision

  • Deepening the relationship with the spirit of cacao through Devotion & Gratitude.

  • Cacao for strengthening your intuition and making decisions from your intuitive knowing.

  • Cacao for grief, trauma release and shadow work.

  • Cacao for Vision, Clarity of Purpose, and Strength for Walking Your Mission

  • Ceremonial principles & more!

+ Each call include a cacao meditation and some community shares at the end.

As a student of Nana's, currently in her 9 month cacao apprenticeship, I look forward to sharing what I have learned thus far and also give the community an opportunity to feel this medicine purely.

You will be encouraged to drink cacao PURE - with nothing else added - for these three days so we can tune into the spirit of cacao without any interference. Get ready for big upgrades and profound messages in this potent ceremonial experience!

All three days will be recorded and you will be emailed links to the videos.

If you don't have Nana Marina's cacao for this journey, you can still receive incredible benefit from this immersion. Join with any KAKAO Signature Blend or Pure. Pure is recommended, but again it is entirely up to you!

Please come to each call with your hot cup of KAKAO prepared.

I look forward to seeing you then!

~ Makenzie



KAKAO has formed an alliance with Nana Marina Cruz and her family in Guatemala to bring you these very potent and special blocks of ceremonial-grade cacao.

This is my first ever non "KAKAO branded" product offering, as well as the first time selling whole blocks of cacao. (KAKAO's other branded items come in granular form for your convenience, but would melt in the block again if exposed to heat.)

This ceremonial cacao is traditionally made honoring the protocols of late spiritual elder Tata Pedra Cruz by his daughter Marina, a Maya Ajq’iij from the Tz’utuijl tradition.

This cacao is highly potent and activating for the heart. It comes in the form of a 1lb block, for you to chop, weight and use in your personal or group ceremonies.

Watch this short video about Makenzie's personal story with Nana Marina's cacao and read how this alliance came to life.

Nana's serving suggestion:

For ceremonies: 40-45 grams cacao + 150-200ml hot (non boiling) water

For meditation: 25-30 grams cacao + 150ml hot (non boiling) water

It is suggested to drink this cacao as is, without anything else added. However you can use your own intuition if you choose to add any sweetener, vanilla or chile.



"I am blown away more and more by how potent KAKAO is. After this Immersion, I have a deeper respect and reverence for cacao as medicine, not just a tasty heart-opening drink. Thank you Makenzie for calling forward so much love, intention, and authenticity through your work. I'm excited to join the other immersions, to feel into each cacao variety and how they speak to me, so I can work with them all more intentionally." - Anonymous post immersion survey

"That was seriously so beautiful! Loves the songs, too. Excited for tomorrow's call. I love you so much. Thank you for giving us all so much time and sharing everything about Her. Truly magical." - Monica

"Difficult to find words to express the depth of gratitude for you and your offerings. And Nana Marina's cacao continues to be a gift in my relationship of conflict resolution as well as a closeness and beautiful ritual to share." - Susan

"Day 1 was already soooo beautiful. Loving this offer you’re generously sharing with us!" - Pania

"The integrity and mission behind your company is deeply moving, it's why I've chosen to partner with KAKAO." - Anonymous post immersion survey

"Thank you for your offerings, and your authenticity." - Anonymous post immersion survey

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A safe space to drop into your heart and receive.

Meet your soul family ~ like-hearted humans that can elevate your spirit, mission and gifts.

Permission to express your full self and be met with unconditonal love and acceptance.

Deeper connection to self and others through a conscious sharing circle facilitated by Makenzie/guests

Learn more about whole bean, heirloom drinking cacao and cultivate a deeper relatonship with it.

About Makenzie's style of Facilitating

Our spaces are a zero-fluff space to simply drop in and connect with other like-hearted humans.

We intentionally cultivate an inclusive space that allows people from all backgrounds and walks of life to participate fully.

We are passionate about 'keeping it real.' We are committed to embodying a truly grounded, calm presence, free from spiritual ego or performance.

We believe the cacao and the group as a whole facilitates itself organically, while we get the honor of providing the safe container for the beauty to emerge naturally.


What is KAKAO and how is it different?

Learn what true ceremonial grade cacao is and what makes it so powerful.

  • Return Policy

    All KAKAO Product & Ticket sales are final and non refundable nor exchangeable.


    Please note that we source our cacao from wild farms and the taste may change from time to time. Please allow for a small adjustment period, especially if you’ve been working with other types of cacao recently. KAKAO is committed to sourcing directly from small wild farms and honoring the origins of this sacred gift from Mother Earth.


    *NOTE ON MELTED KAKAO: If you receive your KAKAO and it has melted back into paste/block form, please click here for instructions. There are no refunds or exchanges for melted KAKAO, as it is entirely safe and up to par with our standards of taste, texture and quality.